Tuesday, 4 January 2011

What to do after your Music Video.

So you have finished your music video and your thinking what the heck do I do now, well there are several options available. The first one is to pay some one to do all the hard work for or you can just read below and take on some of the pointers I am about to suggest.

Before You even get started on anything you really need to make sure you know how your gonna get paid. There are governing bodies that exist to monitor and manage how this is done.



Really important because Major Broadcaster will need an IRSC Code & these are the people to supply it.

Once that is done you can either go through many other PR companies such as:

Audio Music Star (Charges will apply upon consultations)

But if you wanna go it alone these are some sensible steps to make when thinking of releasing a song.

Stage 1 - Plan Music Video
Pick your Director & Production Company For Example Me - Mr Moe Musa, lolol :")

Stage 2 - Finish Music Video

Stage 4 - Press Pictures
Either get a Professional Photographer or get a friend to take a couple snaps of yourself in action.

Stage 5 - Design of Album and/or Single cover, make sure you get a good designer. Here's a few I found online.

Stage 6 - Complete Press Pack - Inside It should Contain
  • Get somebody that can write from a journalistic approach.
  • 1-3 page Document containing pictures and facts about the act. Must be presented in the most desirable fashion possible.
  • Online Links (Website, Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot, Youtube ETC.)
  • Song or Songs on playable CD, preferably CD should have pre-designed sleeve and on body print on CD.
  • DVD of Music Video again with on Body print on the actual DVD.
Stage 3 - Think about a "Release Date" (this will take at least 6-8 weeks from time of submission online) - The key is timing and accuracy. Go to Tune Core to find out more.
Stage 7 - Tape Duplication & Distribution
In the U.K I have realised that there are roughly 3 main broadcast outlets available to independent artist & Indi Record labels.

When you get the master copies of you video which should be:
1xMini DV Tape
1xDigibeta Tape
I would always recommend that you pay for duplicates from either the person that created your video or find a company that will do it for you. The second option of finding a company always works out much more expensive.

Video Submissions Link:


MTV Base: DIGI BETA - Video Received through Fast Trax
While working with these broadcast station you can also send the Video over to Fastrax, this company can distribute your music video via servers connected to all major broadcast station nation wide. Visit the Website

Hope this helps, but if you would like more info please feel free to contact me.
Mr Moe Musa
Director | Producer | Editor
Tel: +44 7960351919
BBM PIN: 21453A7B
Skype Name: MrMoeMusa.